
I'm'a start off with an observation; the best version of Summertime, from Porgy and Bess, really has to be the one performed by Louis Armstrong and Aretha Franklin. Have a listen.

Also, you're welcome for that.

Now, what was I saying? Oh, yes. It's summer. Some of you may have noticed. Some of you already have your air conditioners cranked, rendering your homes rather inhospitable for perpetually cold people like me. Some of you are just now realizing that, assuming you define summer as when school ends, my super keen powers of observation are either two weeks late or well over a month late. And now you've all realized that.

And now you're all right. Yay!

But this post isn't really to let you know summer started. Nor is it here simply to share that amazing song (which, if you haven't clicked on that link up there yet, here it is again. I'm all about convenience). No, the purpose of this blog post is to document the goals I've set for myself this summer.

It took me a few weeks to get around to this. There's reasons. I won't go into them here.

First! A brief move. Not really a goal, but the primary obstacle to me achieving the rest of my goals, so I've got to knock this one out first.

Second! My comic. It's been languishing for a while now, and I hate that because I love creating it. The balance seems to be that I can either produce my comic strip, or I can generate video content for my YouTube channel. Well, fact is I would actually like to start another YouTube channel, but I also can't bear the thought of abandoning the webcomic. So the goal here is to finish off the next book in my comic strip, and then...

Third! YouTube. Figure out how to balance the creation of content for two YouTube channels focused on gaming and technology with the creation of a webcomic. I can be this organized. I think.

Fourth! Write. I've got two possible projects I'd like to focus on this summer, but my goal isn't to finish either of them. My goal is simply to get at least a solid two hours of fiction writing in every week. That can be character sketching, world building, or actual legit words-to-page and editing. I've fallen out of the habit of writing regularly, so really the point is to just set aside time to sit down and do it.

Fifth! I've really got to just finish Oathbringer, you guys.

Sixth (holy cow this is a long list in retrospect)! Write a new song or finish an unfinished song. Again, it's just been a really long time since I've done this, and I want to just... do it.

Okay. That's that. And I won't mention the sub-goals of "seeing all the movies" and finishing off a handful of video games I just need to finish (I'm not setting that goal because I've got a suspicion that Overwatch will prevent me from finishing any video games ever again). Those are both fine, but less important for my psyche. Those also don't really produce anything really traceable, which is kinda the whole point of posting this on my blog; because now I can feel like I'm accountable to someone and I'll need evidence of what I accomplish.

So there you go. Keep your eyes on this space to see whether I actually accomplish any of this stuff!
