The Complaining Game

Okay, so I spent severals of hours this morning out in the snow. Not skiing, nor sledding, nor engaging in that most wonderful of childhood joys, the snowball fight. I was clearing. Blowing, shoveling, that sort of thing. Now, don't get me wrong, I love snow. Really, I do. I love how it makes the world glow. I love how it softens all the hard edges. I love how it muffles everything. It's good stuff, really, especially when you live in a place as dry as this, because it all comes down as powder. Great stuff.

But I'll tell you what, I hate clearing it. Okay, sure, it's powder, so it clears much more easily than the wet, heavy stuff, but still. And it just gets everywhere, especially when it's powder. Every time I open the door to get into my truck, I get a metric butt-load of snow all over my drivers seat. And I usually get a little pile of snow on the back seat of my truck as well, due to the fact that the rear window isn't completely airtight. And when you open the door to the house, you'd better be praying that the wind isn't blowing, because it'll get all over your house if it is. Bugs the everlovin' snot right out of me.

Okay, just had to get that out. And on that note,  a very wise man once said, "No situation is so bad that complaining about it won't make it worse". So, that being the case, I've officially made the snow worse.

Snap. Oh well, at least my screams of frustration will be muffled.


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