
I missed something when I woke up this morning. It's December 7th. And while I realize that this may be a tad late, I still wanted to say it. Thank God for the USA! And thank you to all the military personnel and civil servants that work to keep it a place worth being thankful for. Thanks to the troops that fought to ensure our freedom, and the troops who have fought and still fight to keep us free. Thanks to all those that gave their lives at Pearl Harbor. Thanks to all the hero's of WWII, and every war this nation has fought. One of my favorite national relics is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. Thank you to all the mothers who raised their sons to appreciate the freedoms we enjoy, then sent them off to their eventual destination in that hallowed ground. Thank you to all the wives that were willing to sacrifice their husbands for our well-being, not knowing if they'd ever see them again. I believe there is a special place in heaven for those taken in the service of their country.

I'm not the kind of man who could ever aspire to the lofty title of soldier, but as one who has benefited from their protection, I say thank you to everyone who ever has, is, or ever will serve this nation. I salute you. God be with you all.


  1. I know I told you this last night... but I really, really do like this.


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