Forget Ju-u-une!

So it's been over a month since I changed my font. Skipped the entire month of June. My birthday is in June. Skipped my birthday. No words of wisdom to be had here.

But fortunately for me, no-one else skipped my birthday, so I still got presents. Still eating several of them, and incidentally, sassafras is really tasty. Anyways, one of the gifts I received from a good friend was rather belated, and I got it yesterday. It was, however, well worth the wait. Chess in Concert. The DVD, too. For those of you that are unaware, Chess is a Broadway musical. Yeah, believe it. Okay, it only ran on Broadway for eight weeks, but whatever. Still rocks.

Anywho, loved the movie, but that's not the point. I can't stop thinking in song. I mean, sure, there's spoken bits in this musical, but few of them, and every single one seems to be leading into a song. I was humming a made up melody to myself at work today, picturing myself on stage singing about books. I am jonesing to write a musical. And not like the one I wrote back in high school. A legit one. One I could actually record demos of and let people listen to without too much embarrassment.

So I'm gonna host a little contest. I'll post rules and everything. What should this musical be about? Now, no pushing, shoving, biting, kicking, spitting, and no fish-hooks. In a smallish amount of words, describe a basic plot-line of what you think would be a good musical, and include the title of one of the hit songs that would be in it. I'll pick a few of my favorites, post them a few places to receive a few votes, and then go to work on the most popular. And if it shows up on Broadway in ten years, you get 5% of the profits. And if it's only on there for eight weeks, you still get saddled with 5% of the responsibility, but that's better than taking the fall. Heck, I'll even throw in an immediate prize. Like a CD or a book. Probably something related to Musical Theater.

So post your ideas! If you feel you must wax eloquent to get the entire gist across, shoot me an email at Go ahead and keep that music in your life!


  1. Sherlock Holmes: The musical. Song title: "The Game is Afoot"

  2. Hmm. What would make a good musical? I kind of hate musicals. (With some exceptions, including Chess.) But I really like music videos. Some of them. The good ones, where the video kind of corresponds to the music. So...the Tour de France would be hard to do onstage. How about The Karate Kid. Lots of good action in a small space. Rock music like Chess. Song title: Beat Me Up Again.


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