Captain America; aka, The Dude I Wish I Was

Okay, so I'm slow on tallying votes, but as it happens, Fahrenheit 451 has won. That means a prize to Kameron Going, who suggested it. So there you go.

But on to what I wanted to talk about.

Cap. Steve Rodgers. Went to see the movie about a week and a half after it came out, which admittedly was a while ago. And you know what I realized? Captain America is about the coolest guy ever. Why is that? Well, the movie was fantastic, though it had a bit of a plot hole (covered by my favorite people at, here).  But it's not the movie that made it so fantastic. It was simply the character of Steve Rodgers.

 So the movie first. What did it do well? Okay, I've got to say this. If The Curious Case of Benjamin Button can win an Oscar for making Brad Pitt look like an old man, then Captain America sure as heck should win the same Oscar for Visual Effects for making Chris Evans look like Gollum. On top of this, there's the story, which was true to the comics and very well done. The casting was perfect, and I don't mean just the casting of Chris Evans' muscles. The acting was good, the dialogue was believable (even the fondue), and the scenery was fantastically beautiful to look at. And the music. 1940's propo music aside, the soundtrack was exactly what I would have expected for a Captain America movie.

But that's not why I want to be Captain America. I won't want to be a super fast, super strong muscle-man who can get frozen for 70 years and survive (though I'd be lying if I said that I would say no to that). No, I want to be Steve Rodgers, the little guy who had the guts to stand up for what he believed was right, even when it wasn't popular. The little guy who used his head and his heart before his brawn, and wanted to contribute in every possible way. The big guy who cared about the little guys, even when he wasn't one anymore. First and foremost, Steve Rodgers was a patriot, who loved the country where people are free to hate their country if they want. Steve Rodgers loved his freedom and wanted his fellow humans to have it to. Steve Rodgers was a good man, with or without power.

And he was also a super-muscular super-fast manly-man who can punch through just about everything around. And yeah... that'd be pretty cool as well.


  1. And of course the "disclaimer" at the end, just so you don't seem TOO sentimental. Don't worry, I know what you're really like.

  2. Ha! Outed by your wife.

    I'll try to remember this when I'm a big guy, and think about all you little guys once in awhile.

    Fahrenheit 451 is a very cool idea, by the way.


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