
Something huge is going down this week. Something completely and utterly monumental in every way. Oh, yeah, it is finals and the end of the semester. I'd forgotten about that. You can hardly blame me, though, seeing as I don't actually have any finals. That does, however, mark what I would say is technically the beginning of Summer. Bringing with it the beginning of Summer Blockbusters. But that's not what I'm really talking about. No, I'm referring to the Earth. The Earth, it's imminent destruction, and the heroes that are going to save it.

I'm talking about the AVENGERS.

Now, for those of you that haven't been fainting with excitement for years over the release of this movie, let me put this in a nutshell for you. Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and the Hulk. Remember those movies? Yeah, they've been redefining the Summer Blockbuster category for a few years now. Okay, so take everything you loved about those five movies (by which I mean the characters, because if they weren't your favorite part you have no soul), and throw them all into a super-group of super-heroes. That group is the Avengers, and their movie is coming out on the fourth.

Yeah, you heard right. The fourth of THIS MONTH.

That's in about FOUR DAYS.

So obviously I'm a fan. If you're not as well, I'm afraid there's absolutely nothing that can be done for you, medically speaking. However, if you go and see the movie, you may just find out that you are. See, the Avengers aren't really about the superhero-ing and the fights (okay, okay, not completely about that), the Avengers are about completely opposing personalities that find a reason good enough to get along. It's about overcoming differences for a greater good. Its about US! That's right! It's a superhero movie that applies to YOU!

And just try and tell me otherwise. From friendships to school to work to marriage, getting along with people is all about putting our own personality and desires under a microscope and deciding what we need to suppress. What we can do to foster a situation we can all live with. That is what the Avengers is about. That is why I'm so excited. If all goes as planned, I will love the Avengers for the same reason I loved Remember the Titans (and there's not football or aliens in both of them. I checked). It's about a team pulling together to achieve a common goal, and even though the Avengers will not be based on a true story (I checked that too), I think it will probably be just as inspiring.

So go see it! I will, probably next week sometime. And I'll probably let you know what I thought, how well it lived up to these expectations. And in the immortal words of Tony Stark;

"Giant green rage monster."

Can't say no to that.


  1. I wonder how Tony Stark is going to get along with the other characters. I think eventually he will, but you know... he's kind of a stuck up, pain in the rear end kind of guy. Maybe his transformation will be the best of them all!


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