Food for Thought

So I'm currently in the process of producing a review of Star Trek Into Darkness, and while the words are done, my source for screenshots only has about a third of the movie done. So I'm still working on pictures.

"That's your excuse?!?"

But seriously, if you like Star Trek at all and you've never been to TrekCore before, I don't even know you. Go. Check. Now.

In the meantime I would like to give you all a little something from the movie to think about. Compare these two pictures.

These posters are functionally identical. Saavik has been swapped out for Uhura, but otherwise it's even the same characters. So what is the key difference? If you noticed that Khan is smaller than the crew of the Enterprise in one but larger in the other, good for you! I'll just leave you to ponder on what that might mean.
