Empires of the Software World: The Good, The Bad, and Google

If Walmart is the evil empire of large corporations, and Amazon is the evil empire of the internet, who is the evil empire of software and related services? What follows is a comparison of three software empires to personality types you might be familiar with, and the not-so-surprising conclusion that the evil empire of the software world is Adobe.

Because of course it is.

Valve: Nice guy, wants to help as much as possible. Always has the best toys to play with, likes to have fun, and will up and give you stuff if he's in a particularly good mood.

Google: Seemingly harmless but slightly creepy dude who's always standing in the corner writing everything you say down in a notebook and pulling money out of thin air. Occasionally has something useful to contribute, and it's usually free.

Adobe: The bully who is always twisting your arm to take your lunch money. Then he uses that money to buy all of the toys at the store. He used to let you buy those toys from him for ridiculously inflated prices, but he's gotten worse with age, and now he'll only let you rent them. He's even toying with the idea of not letting you use his stuff unless you are in his house.
