What I've Done This Summer

At the beginning of the summer, I made a number of goals. It was a list of things I wanted to accomplish before the summer ended and school started again. During the summer a lot of things changed (My sweet wife and I bought a house, for instance). These almost unexpected things used up a lot of time I would have otherwise spent fulfilling these goals I'd made. Despite this, however, I did manage to read the book I wanted to read, I'm well on my way to throwing a frisbee as far as I wanted to be able to, and I just recently finished the marching band show I wanted to arrange.
This leaves illustrating a comic book (which will not happen) and writing 40,000 words of fiction (which still might). All in all, it's been a productive summer, with nary a dull moment, and even though I won't finish the things I was planning on, I'm still quite proud of what I've accomplished so far.
Below you can listen to the three movements for that marching band show I mentioned. They're not perfect. I haven't really written anything of this scope in something like six years. I might do some more work on them later. But as it stands, I think they're pretty good. If those embedded players aren't working for you, then you need to update your dang browser to something modern that will handle HTML5, you savage. IE 6 is not your friend.
Opener-Iron Man 3


Closer-Thor: The Dark World


  1. I like them! They're very dramatic- sounding. Do you have a name for the show yet?

  2. Yeah, I just now realized that if you view this post on a mobile browser, the players cover up the song titles. The first one is the theme from Iron Man 3, the second is called Asgard from Thor: The Dark World, and the last is the theme from Thor: The Dark World. It's a Marvel themed show.


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