That number up there is my not-so-subtle way of pointing out that HOLY CRAP GUYS THIS IS MY HUNDREDTH POST!

Those words up there were my not-so-subtle way of informing you that I'M SUPER EXCITED ABOUT MY HUNDREDTH POST!

And those words were my not-so-subtle way to telling you that I could go on like this all day.

That observation is probably not a surprise to those of you who have actually payed attention to this space. The honest truth is, I started this blog a few years ago because I thought I had lots to say, but then I couldn't think of anything interesting to say. I started thinking I had to have some great insight, some purpose to the words I put in here. But that was never a mindset true to the actual title of the blog. My Valley was always meant as a place where I could feel comfortable spouting whatever I wanted, and heck, sometimes I just want to be inane or talk about movies, linguistics, and books. Most of the time that's all I want to do, actually. It took me a while, but now I know why I'm writing this blog.

It's for me. I went and read my first few posts a little while back, and it was staggering to see what I've learned about writing. I'm much better at making random garbage sound interesting now. Is that a useful skill? Well, I write for a living, so I'm gonna go with yes. This blog has become a practice arena, and I feel like it's served that task wonderfully.

So I'm going to continue writing about everything under the sun that interests me, and seeing what methods and styles of writing people like the most. So far, you folks have informed me by your views that you like inflammatory titles and posts addressing social issues.

Neither of which are things I particularly enjoy.

Shoot. Now I'm depressed. Thanks, guys.
