I'm A Nerd, And I'm Proud Of It

To be fair, that's a loaded statement. Just about everybody I know exhibits some sort of obsessive behavior over some aspect of their lives, behavior that can only be categorized as "nerdy." But I'll clarify for those of you that are new here. I exhibit nerdy behavior toward many of the activities and interests traditionally associated with nerds.

Such as an interest in ultra-specific phrasing. That's one of them.

But as the title says, I'm proud of this. There are still plenty of reasons to not be proud of being a nerd. Despite the fact that Marvel has popularized the superhero, you'll still get made fun of a bit in school for being really into the comics as well as the movies. And admitting to playing games online might earn you an association with a very vocal group of "people" that nobody wants to be associated with. Having a passing interest in the latest craze of summer action blockbusters doesn't qualify you as a nerd, and nerds are still mocked. Just look at The Big Bang Theory.

But I'm proud of being a nerd, and you know why? Because it proves that I am passionate about things. I don't just like things. I REALLY like them. And I can't imagine how boring life would be without a passion for something. Like, how do you non-nerds even get out of bed in the morning? Are you passionate about your job? Are you passionate about your education? How about goals for the future? Hobbies? Family? Sports?

Oh, you are? That's good. Being passionate about something adds a little something to the purpose of your life. So unless you're passionate about something horrible, like kitten stew, then kudos. I applaud you and your passion, even if I don't understand why you're passionate about it.

And I really don't understand. You monster.

And I expect no less from you. Because we're all in on this club, whether you're a comic nerd, a D&D nerd, math nerd, car nerd, football nerd, politics nerd, medical nerd, fashion nerd, hip-hop nerd, dance nerd, and so on. We all be up 'n nerdy in this place.

Now, I told you all of that so I could tell you this. I collect computers. My collection is limited by my means right now (who would have thought that could be an expensive hobby for a married college student?), but I consider it quite impressive all the same. I'm going to be turning that collection into a digital collection over the next few months, in an effort to preserve everything that I've got as it is right now.

We're all passionate about something, after all.
