Top 5 Movie Trailers

Movie trailers have become an event of their own, completely separate from the movie with which they are affiliated. There are teasers for the trailers and teasers for the teasers. Big blockbusters will run through five or six different trailers, teasers, and character spots before the release of the actual movie anymore.

Trailers have separated themselves from the movies they represent to such an extent that in many cases they are in fact terrible representations of the actual film. And while this may seem a little ridiculous, there have been some pretty fantastic trailers produced as a result of this.

The trailers on this list have been chosen based not on how accurately they preview the movie, but rather how entertaining they are as a separate unit. Some of the trailers on this list have nothing to do with the movie beyond a very general "feel." And they're the better for it. So without further delay, these are my five favorite movie trailers.

Ant Man

This trailer for Ant Man made me laugh out loud twice every time I saw it for the first little while after it came out. And yeah, it does a pretty good job of previewing the general feel of the movie, but if this had been a fan-made trailer for Ant Man that was never intended to have a movie behind it, I'd still recommend it as worth watching.

Avengers: Age of Ultron

This song epitomizes what I think is one of Joss Whedon's greatest strengths: the ability to make little girls singing children's songs bloodcurdlingly creepy. And I guess there's some superheroes in there? Mostly this trailer is just nightmare fuel, and it's a fun little unit all to itself in that.

The Muppets

We learn nothing from this trailer aside from the fact that there will be Muppets in this movie. But it so perfectly conveys the feeling of the movie while parodying another contemporary movie. And as someone who has seen the Green Lantern, it deserved to be parodied. In fact, this is as effective at parodying the Muppet franchise as it is the Green Lantern. And in both respects, it's hilarious.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Simply put, this is the Guide's entry on movie trailers, meaning that it is a more-true-than-we-want-it-to-be satire on the very concept of movie trailers. That in and of itself justifies the existence of this trailer, movie or no. It gives us very little idea of what the actual plot of the movie will be, but that's fine, considering it's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. There isn't really any plot to speak of.


What do you mean this doesn't count? I never set that rule. And to be fair, some might argue that this is only entertaining if you've seen The Shining. Well, I haven't. And I laugh at this every time. So there.
