A Fond Farewell (aka Spoilers Everywhere)

Guys, I'm'a be blunt.

I am following way too many TV shows.

Just, waaaaaaaaay too many. And something has got to give. So it is with a heavy heart that I am bidding a heartfelt farewell to two of them. They're the least of the flock, and several times over the past few episodes, which I have desperately crammed into and around an increasingly difficult schedule, I have found myself wondering why I'm even trying anymore.

So Arrow, The Flash... Adieu.
At least Barry is taking it well

It's not that I don't like you at all anymore. It's just that, well... you're on the CW. I thought we could work around that, and for a few years we totally did! Arrow, you started out so gritty and real, and Flash, you were like... really funny, I guess? Anyway, it was good times! But that CW-ness keeps coming through, and I just don't have time for all of the shows out there that need watching.

That really is the clincher. If I had time, I'd keep going. But Agents of SHIELD just keeps getting better, Jessica Jones is rocking my socks, and no way am I turning away The Great British Baking Show. And then, of course, there's Studio C, the entire Motortrend YouTube channel, a new season of Daredevil fast approaching, and Agent Carter and The Shannara Chronicles starting in just a few weeks. And the fact is, those shows just give me better characters, more consistent stories, and generally I just enjoy them more. You two kinda leave me feeling like I should have spent the time elsewhere.

After all, I've got a computer to build, books and short stories to write, music to compose, comics to draw, and heck, I still haven't played Bioshock or Portal!
Full disclosure: I have played Bioshock Infinite, and I am so happy that this image exists

So yeah, Arrow, we had some good times bingeing through that first season. I'll admit, I might have looked you up as a rebound from Robin Hood. But it turned into way more than that when that second season rolled around. That was something wonderful. But then season three happened... Oliver really should have died that one time... And Ray, as much as I wanted to like him, was mostly just annoying. To say nothing of Captain Lance's ridiculous and uncharacteristic vendetta. And then we lost Roy at the end... That was a blow. And I've got to admit, when you brought Sarah back to life in one, tension-less episode, then restored her soul in another tension-less episode that I'm pretty sure was only there so you could have a crossover with Constantine, and then rescued Ray in the very next one, I kinda lost hope that there would be any conflict in this season. So sorry. I think you may have jumped the shark when Oliver got stabbed twice and fell of a cliff in Siberia. Without, and I cannot stress this enough, absolutely and totally dying.

And The Flash, man, those were a great first few episodes! So good, in fact, that I think I kinda kidded myself into thinking that the rest of season one was actually entertaining. Sisko was, sadly, never actually funny. Mostly just obnoxious. I liked Wells, and the tension you rolled up till we found out for sure he was the Reverse Flash was super great. But after that the season kinda lost its momentum. Then this second season started, and lo and behold the villain is... Zoom? Really? Because the least-good part of the Flash comics is the fact that the Flash can apparently only have nemesis' who also have command of the speed-force. I was really hoping for something a bit more original out of you. But whatever this thing you're doing is, it's taking you to a place that I don't want to follow.

So I'm letting you both go, and with you any hope that DC is going to give me a live-action motion-anything that I can just sit and thoroughly enjoy without feeling like I'm forcing myself to swallow glass. It's too bad. There was definitely something there, and I want to believe it was more than just my own delusions. It was a good run, but it's over, guys. Sorry.

Maybe I'll see you around on Netflix next summer.
