Tempestuous Comtessa

 File:Weymouth Bay MET DP875020.jpg

A twilit terror kneeling with tempest blown hair

Bound below a beam, brilliantly shone

She waiting hungers, willful in repose

Unaware or unperturbed, uncaring eyes cast down

Her captors carouse, careless in merriment

Flow wine as water with little regard

No peril of worries, no person restrained

From indulgent imbibing each mind is claimed

"This creature have we, captured she is

Brought low before us, bent to the earth

Her terror we've ended, this trial is ceased"

In light of their fires, long hours passed

Candles burned lower, collared by night

Flames of the cookfire following hence

Deepening darkness the dire night bestowed

And sloth sought inroads; slumber took all

Sweet nightfall encompasses, swift to enclose

While terror she is, tight her eyes close

Wild words she whispers, what powers they call

The tempest she traveled travails the hall

Screams upon screams now, scarce gleams of hope

Through them tear timbers, them wif and wir both

Calamity crashes, the crushing beam falls

A twilit terror stands, midst tempest blown all
