Just a Quick Reminder

Hey, remember how there's a war going on in Ukraine right now? A war in which Russian aggressors senselessly invaded their neighbor to suit the de-realized ego trip of a former-Soviet oligarch and proceeded to commit multiple horrific war crimes? Remember how we were all justifiably furious with the Russians over it, and how we were all cheering for Ukrainian farmers as they drove off with tank after Russian tank dragging behind their tractors?

Here's your notice to stay furious. Keep an eye on those tractors. Don't let the former KGB agent relive his USSR wet-dreams. Russia is still there, still committing war crimes. This isn't over, and despite the fact that we're probably all emotionally exhausted over the whole situation, we can't afford to let our elected officials think they can move past dealing with this. We can't let them think they can stop sending support to Ukraine. We can't let them think they can let up the screws on the Russians. Keep the sanctions locked down, get the multi-billionaires and their giant corporations to chip in on the humanitarian aide. Extend the lifeline of EU and NATO membership to the beleaguered state.

Don't let such an amazing fight end with a Russian victory. Yes, you're tired. You're justified in being tired. But there's millions of people over there that need you to stand with them and stay on your feet till Russia gets back behind their borders.

Just a friendly reminder.
