Pocket Quest Game Jam 2022

I put the date in the title assuming this is a thing that will happen annually, but that may be putting Descartes before the horse. We'll see in, oh, about 1 year's time.

This is just a quick update to explain why I haven't written anything regarding my d4 space fighter dogfighting game in a while. I haven't given up on it, or lost interest, or anything of that nature. But Drive Thru RPG is hosting a game jam, which gives me an excuse to finally set up a publisher account with them and put something Density powered on the site. All things being equal, I should have two games on there within the next month or so; The Great Young Ones, an eldritch horror summer camp RPG I'm writing for the game jam, and Ebonmire, which you may have already heard about.

Presumably you'll also be able to pick up the d4 starfighter game on there eventually, though I suppose that depends on whether or not I like distributing on that platform. I have high hopes, at least, considering their customer experience is pretty good. But yeah, that's it. A short update. Just to prove I can, in fact, do things quickly sometimes.
