Mike "Ironically" Lee

You know what I find interesting? Mike Lee, incumbent Republican Senator for the state of Utah and runner-up in last year's Oil-Baron-Funding Pie Eating Contest, did virtually zero campaigning over the past year. He's up for reelection in, like, now, and he was so certain of his victory in the very red state of Utah that he seems to have just not bothered. Which is weird, considering he's a very typical pro-government-but-only-if-I'm-in-charge Republican, and Utah was founded as a state by a group of people literally fleeing governments who were saying it was okay to persecute, rob, or even kill them (depending on context). Seems like those folks would be generally pretty anti-government no matter who's in charge.

Thanks for repealing that by the way, Missouri. And I have no idea why Utahn's keep flying American flags for the holiday they made to commemorate that and subsequent exodus's. Smells a little like Stockholm Syndrome (which, yes, I know isn't a real syndrome).

Anywho, Mike "The Human Washcloth" Lee didn't really campaign for a return to his senate seat until just a few weeks back, when polls showed that independent candidate Evan McMullin is in a dead heat with him to win the seat.

And then the first (well, only) thing he did? Run a smear campaign against McMullin.

He apparently also turned down a joint interview with McMullin hosted by Fox News. That's right, Fox "We Are The Most Republican" News. McMullin accepted the invite. Mike "Pop-Tart Wrapper" Lee... I don't know, was apparently too scared.

So hey, go vote. Vote for the people in your area who will support positive change in your community and in the nation. And if you happen to live in Utah, don't vote for Lee. He's a self-centered little coward, and the Senate will be better without him in it.

One of these dudes is less grotesque than the other. In a win (finally) for appearances, it actually is the one who looks less grotesque.
