If I Had A Hammer

20 - Blank-Blank

Pre-function accolades wrapped in enigmas

of raft-able stable hands strapped to their vows.

Turn-table apple pies under the moonlight

and half-truncheon turkey feet within all size.

Rick-missive heretics walking with welters

while tree-loving multiples dwindle in lanes.

Sun-burned watercress balance the viewpoints

of  bent-wire gifters with sanded flow reigns.

21 - Seize the Night

Half a turn away you'll find the dawn,

horizon brightens from the night to day,

and when the dawn approaches you at morn,

the chance you had at dark will sail away.

Seize the night with ev'rything you can,

don't let the winsome morning light your way,

for in the dark they won't see what you are,

and you may yet be anything you say.

22 - I Built A Bridge

There once was a bridge in Nantucket

who's run could barely span a bucket.

When folks tried to cross

it's assumed they were lost

to the great rush of water below it.


23 - Three Terrors

Three terrors found my dreams

And dwelt there till I awoke.

The inadequate aspects of my mind,

The deficiencies my body felt,

And the solitude of lost chance

Were my companions then.

In my dreams they stayed, though,

Biding patiently the coming night.

The bright logic of daylight sends

All three to swift repose.

How does one carry day at night?
