
No, that wasn't a typo, even as prone to those as I am.

See, I've decided I'm not going to do National Novel Writing Month this November. It's a lot of work, and as I discussed last year, I'm not sure how much benefit it actually provides. And given that I've demonstrated repeatedly that I have developed the skill to rapidly throw crap onto a page in prose, I'm going to instead take this month to focus on a skill I haven't developed as fully; the ability to rapidly throw crap onto a page in poem. So word-counts be darned, this month I'm participating in National Poetry Writing Month (the non-typo'd NaPoWriMo above), in which I'll be writing a poem every day.

Sure, thanks, Google.

And lucky sons-of-guns you, I'll be posting them in this space as I go.

That does not mean a new post every day, oh no. Still just two a week. But each post will have the poems I've written since the last included in it, so that'll be several poems per post. And given that this is going live on the 3rd, that means you'll see a couple of those poems below!

Aren't you so lucky?

1 - Meta-haiku

A haiku this is

there are seven syllables

in that middle line

2 - A Compliment 

Twelve little pumpkins all sat in a row,

Seventeen raisins were sent from below,

Eight thousand heralds their trumpets did blow,

For you cause you’re pretty. So now you know.
