Variant Veracity


Under what pretense

doth thine pretension bear

the vast accumulation

within the livid weir

14 - Daylight Savings Time

The pinch of a nerve that is subtly struck by the tolls of the clock as it chimes.

The visceral loft of an inner ear drop as the hands of a clock mark the time.

A terminal itch and sensational glitch when the time that you marked is far wrong.

A clammy cold sweat at the seasonal bet with the day thus observed for too long.

15 - canyabelieVVVethis?

Variant veracity 

vivisects vicarious

volumes. Visions

valuate various

vocal vacancies.

16 - Unfounded ideas

Unfounded ideas unbidden leap to mind,

built upon nothing; hence unfounded.

Passed from lip to ear

from finger to keyboard to eye.

Interwoven thence into neurons sparse

spread thin through the mire of minds.

False ideals spring forth,

provably wrong they flourish,

and those to which they adhere falter.

Witness what passes for understanding!
