Take a Break

Something something something something Kit-Kat Bar.

Okay, now that that's out of my system... what are we talking about? Oh, right. Breaks. Taking them. Under normal circumstances about this time of the month I'd be writing up some summary of what I've accomplished on whatever game I've been working on, whether it's an update on the d4 game or excuses about not working on the d4 game because I'm working on something else. But this month I'm not gonna do that.

Nope, today I'm going to make excuses about not working on the d4 game or heck, any game at all. See how that's completely different?

See, I'm really quite pleased with my progress on the d4 game as well as the finished product of The Great Young Ones, and at some point I need to get Ebonmire prepped for digital distribution over on DTRPG as well as, yes, in actual-pants hold-in-your-hand physical print. I've got plans and direction for what needs to happen next. But getting TGYO's produced on a game-jam timeline as a solo act takes its toll on the ol' mental vigors, that much is certain. So once it was finished, I switched gears to a different mode of project.

That project was to push out the print copy of vol 4 of A Starfarer's Guide to Freelancing, Hamscrambler and the Planet of Doom. A project that was, in fact, already pretty much complete. All I had to do was lay out the cover and export the files, which took, what, ten minutes? Eleven, tops. I'm currently waiting the week-to-ten-days for a sample to come in so I can know whether that project is ready to publish, at which point I should be all set for another actual project that requires actual effort.

This doesn't always happen, but I've managed to build some downtime into my project schedule and I'm taking the opportunity to recharge my batteries by watching copious amounts of mindless YouTube videos. That does mean I don't have anything to update you on re: this post on my blog, but bear with me for a couple of weeks. Eventually something will happen.

Thanks, Laurence.
