The Next Post

My attention over the past month has been largely monopolized by family stuff, and as a result the backlog of posts for this blog has... dwindled. You might even say it's gone, assuming you were in the know and you're a fan of saying factually correct things.

This begs the question, what do I do when the backlog drops to zero and I'm left to quickly throw together some things to say in order to fill the space? Do I let my quality drop in order to produce the necessary quantity? The very question strikes me to the core.

Do you honestly believe that I have specific standards related to the quality of what goes on this blog? If so, you've been skipping some of my favorite posts, the stupid first-draft poems I've written for this space. Like this one. And this one. And just recently, complete with complementary artwork, this one.

Or what about my penchant for reviewing movies, just, hilariously late to do anyone any actual good? Like this one. Or this one.

No, I think it's pretty clear that while sure, some of my posts get a lot of attention and revision (like this one, or this one, or possibly my favorite right here), there's no specific bar something has to cross before I'll hit the publish button beyond "it needs words" and "probably also a picture".

So there you go. Evidently when the backlog runs down to zero, we get a clip show episode. Which we all know everyone loves.

Especially Lawrence
